Tuesday, December 09, 2008

in quotation...

Once when a Buddhist teacher said that he could not believe that Christ suffered the death of the cross because no king allows his son such indignity, "Judson responded, 'Therefore you are not a disciple of Christ. A true disciple inquires not whether a fact is agreeable to his own reason, but whether it is in the book. His pride has yielded to the divine testimony. Teacher, your pride is still unbroken. Break down your pride, and yield to the word of God.'"

- Adoniram Judson, a Christian who lived 38 years in Burma. Source.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Jared2 tried to call you tonight, only to discover that your cell number (that we have) is not, in fact, your cell number. Could you possibly message/email the real cell number to us? :)