Thursday, January 31, 2008

Jong Il: A History of Corruption

Michael Lee is WBMC's Asian affiliate based in Shanghai.

Pyongyang- Today a Pyongyang insider, at the obvious risk of his life, made a bold accusation: North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Il has been stealing donated money all of his life.

It seems that when Jong Il was just seven years old his mother gave him some money to walk down to the market for some rice. Along the way, Jong Il was lured into a back alley where he saw a sight that would mark his course for the rest of his life-- a jagged, dull Swiss Army knife.

Jong Il's eyes bulged, his palms sweated, his fingers trembled; he gave up his rice money and his soul.

From that day forward his pockets have been getting deeper and his lies bigger. In the 7th grade Jong Il actually convinced the rest of his class that he was raising money to take to "Mothers of Pyongyang," an NPO that distributes funds to mothers who had lost husbands and sons in the war with South Korea. Jong Il took the funds and bought a handgun.

And now we see the culmination of a corrupted life; Jong Il uses UN funds to feed his starving population to supply his military with guns, tanks, and uniforms.

What can stop this madman? Who will stand between him and the starvation, exploitation, and utter abuse of his people?


Nicole Wilson Conley said...



Anonymous said...


I seem to have misplaced your number, and I don't have your email. So, I guess I will communicate with you here. My wife and I would like to come to your wedding, but we need the details to plan it (location, date, time, etc.). Could you get me this information? You don't have to post it since you have my info and you are allergic to putting anything up about your personal life on your website. But if you could contact me somehow or other, I would appreciate it.

Later yo.

AC (the one in NC; I don't like to post personal details online either)