Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Good Job

There's a guy I'd love to hate in the upcoming college football "national championship" (dare we call it that?)-- Florida quarterback Tim Tebow.

For starters, he plays for Florida. That should be enough reason right there. Florida wins everything, every year, all the time. It's getting old, guys. Can't you throw a game or something?

Then, he's an amazing athlete, and the press gushes about him. That's another point against him in my book, as I'm usually anti-anybody-the-press-is-for.

Despite all of this, I just can't dislike the guy. Among numerous other things, the following quote I found is one of the reasons why:

Pressure is not having to win a football game; pressure is having to find your next meal," Tebow says. "From being in a lot of places that I've been with my dad and on mission trips, you kind of find out what true pressure is and what just is a game. Even though we love it so much, football is still just a game.

"A lot of people bleed over it and love it, and I'm one of those people. But at the end of the day, I know what's more important, and football is not more important than life and pressure is definitely not football. So I think when you can put that in perspective, I think it really gives you a much better outlook.

So, that's why I give Tim Tebow a "Good Job."

But... I'd still like to see the Sooners humiliate the Gators.

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